Sunday, September 9, 2007

Motorcycle ride to apple orchard turned into 8-man football photos

All Friday morning I had a yearning to ride my motorcycle along the Loess Hills and eventually end up in Iowa at an apple orchard I discovered last year.

Well, I was 20 miles from my destination, when I took a few side roads and ended up in a small town. Driving down main street, I came across the school and saw two football players walking down a paved road to the football field. Asking a band member what was going on tonight, he said there was an 8-man football game starting at 7:00.

So, I stuck around and shot the game with 17-40mm and a 50mm lens, two lenses seldom used at football games. The thing that kept me there was the lights suspended by telephone poles which had easy access to climb. (I ventured half way up the silly things twice)

I'm lucky to have gotten home in one piece. Riding a motorcycle in the pitch black of night with one headlight burnt out, and no map, is a recipe for disaster. And I really should have asked the yearbook lady who recruited me to take a group photo for her because, according to her, I, "look like I know what's going on," to put me up for the night in exchange for the photo.


Heidi Hoffman : Visual Journal said...

these are absolutely WONDERFUL ! they make me curous about and interested in football (which is nuts) i am glad that you are excited about them, well done mr paulsen.

Ryan Byrn in NZ said...

Dudeman, Loess hills....arg.....Im jealous. Ironically I just got on here to tell you Im renting a Honda VFR800 Vtec today and hitting up that rode that I dreamed about before coming to New Zealand.

I was on these roads last night with my car and they are ridiculi man. The stuff we seriously dream of. All I could think of was wanting you to be here with me to absoulutly destroy these hills. No guardrails and very very close to the edge though so if I dont come back you can know I died with a smile on my face while laughing knowing a totalled someone elses bike :)

We will ride tomorrow...

Ryan Byrn in NZ said...

Oh.....and your pictures.......They dont suck....a lot.

Anonymous said...

these pictures are awesome- not something you'd expect at a football game. I was in the stands that night, (i'm from the school you were taking pics at) and i couldnt help but wonder who the crazy guy was climbing our light poles and laying on the ground ready to get trampled,lol. Great job and thanks for making our small town school's fb team look incredible! :)

Anonymous said...

The pic of the game are wonderful. high school sports at it best. Please come back and photograph the girls Basketball team.

Anonymous said...

These are awesome pictures. I was up on the sidelines during that game. These gave me a whole new perspective of almost being right there in the game.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Deb is worse than Dagg,


Anonymous said...

these photos are truly amazing! its great to know that a small town like ours (315 ppl... yes!) might actually be recognized...

-one of the girls who talked to you b4 the parade

Anonymous said...

yeah thanx 4 coming and taking pictures of our school...these r amazing!!!! it does feel good that we r being recongized!!! thanx 4 joining our school "family" for awhile! plz come back!!!!

Anonymous said...

these are awesome pitures i remember one of my friends asking who you were becuase you were taking lots of pictures of our school and football team...thats awesome! and i agreee that you should come back and take more pictures of our basketball teams