Thursday, September 20, 2007

'61 Cadillac Convertible

The newly adopted family invited me out for a bit of cruizing in the vintage cadillac. Ellen needed a birthday present at the drugstore, Joel needed some ice cream from Ivana Cone, Cole needed to get out of the house, Spencer needed a coat cause it was kind of cold out there, and I needed to get away from the stinking homework.

1 comment:

Ryan Byrn in NZ said...

Hahaha, you look so pimp in that car dude. hahaha, reminds me of how you looked on my dads Harley.

I missed you last weekend dude, I found this road in the middle of nowhere that was INSANE. I thought the tires on my car where going to fly off.

My friend Steven showed me some pictures of Highway 1 in Cali and it looks amazing. Sounds like the next long distance drive for me....ahem....and you :)